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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  March 31, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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they stuffed it back here on the wall. >> that one strike left her entire house mess. boxe wacs shoved off shelves. charred outlets and shatter glass. elizabeth was not home. >> i am glade wasn't hear. >> reporter: electric crews were working to restore power. this was worry of possible structural damage. so, elizabeth will be staying somewhere else until she gets the green light to do back. and then, of course, she has pig clean up ahead. brian webb kpix 5. >> the lightning strike knocked out power to more than 1,000 homes. came back on at 2:30 but later went out again. ant 500 homes are still without pourer tim here is a live look at oakland international airport. we are told a small plane was
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struck by lightning. it landed safely around noon. over at sfo, five airlines have reported lightning strikes. just how rough was the weather? kpix 5's ryan takeo with an exclusive look from a cruise ship that broke loose from a pier in the city. ryan. >> reporter: allen, i just talked to a season frank spokesperson who said they had issued with smaller poets beaning like a cruise ship. that's happened earlier than. this is a look at the queen victoria. it drifted this afternoon. most of the passenger where is on land when the wind picked up and the ship started to float away. here is look at the exclusion i have video of the tug boat bringing the cruise ship back
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to port. >> we can't get back home court reporter queen victoria will be here one more day. even though the rain and the wind has dayed down, port workers are still keeping a close eye on the cruise ship. live in san francisco: i'm ryan takeo kpix 5. >> charge an extra for that either. these windshield wipers got a work out today. rick set up his cell phone to shoot the video, then cross the bay bridge this afternoon for us. x-ray skies. heavy rain. drivers maintaining a slow pace just to be safe. a much needed soaking in the
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south bay. drivers took their time on slick roads and umbrellas if popping up on crosswalks all over san jose. meteorologist paul deanno on what we can expect tonight and tomorrow. >> reporter: we are not done yet, allen. all the colors were out there today. he had oranges, reds. rainfall rates in excess overage per hour. we sit pack and say wow. we didn't see this that often in the b. how many lightning strikes? the answer is 17. between 12:00 today and 3:00. you just saw the damage. this live radar now. it is a lot calmer than it was just a few hours ago. scattered showers continue for most. how much rain fell because it was pouring for a while? oakland, nearly three quarters of an inch, mostly within a two
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hour span. san francisco, .7 of rainfall. that helps the draught. about a quarter of an edge for san jose. opening night, baseball. do you think it will get rained out? my thought is no. they had a tar p on the field. delays are possible, but i think we do get the a's fame in. >> all right. the one on deck. thanks, paul. a fresh blanket of snow in the sierra. a string of recent storms moving them much needed boost. still 43% of average this tame of year. however, those water experts will take a new measurement tomorrow. you can keep track of the storm any time. go to new at 5:00, a shooting this afternoon put a school on lock down. the shooting happened around
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2:00. a new search around chelsea hills drive. strait senator is accused of attempting to petal rocket ladies and gentlemenners. kpix 5's phil matier with how this lawyer is throwing the case back to prosecution. >> reporter: that's right. up until now it has pretty much been the feds' voice in the courtroom with the details of this investigation, which is something like out of a fiction novel. ed to, the defense fired back. >> entrapment is always a defense we have to consider. >> may be. but as you see this law professor who specializes in criminal law tell us, so far it doesn't look like perhapment to him. >> looks like he got himself in
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financial trouble and found what looked like an easy way out. >> according to the feds, teachers signed documents way out included taking campaign contributions for accused bang leader. eventually even talking up plans with undercover agents about smuggling funs in and out of the philippines. >> very good question is what took three years. that raises a question of fairness. >> could take years to put a case like this together. >> also raises a question of whether they did nothing. the government did nothing that they had a case they could make until towards the end. they started pushing -- the agents started pushing this idea of the arms dealing. >> he says we may be just seeing some pregame posturing here. >> what else can you say to, you know, sort of deflect attention and to kind of put the ball back in the other
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side's court. >> next court appearance is on april 8th when there is a good chance we will actually see the indictment and charges. from there we will start seeing possibly the discovery. >> i am curious, philings does he haviende a freft in it shall phil, does he have a friend in sack men. the last week, nobody came to his defense. >> that's right. politicians don't like to be next to somebody that's in trouble. he was the third senator to go down over legal problems and run-in are also with the law. so he became the worst. but no, absolutely none. they are cutting and running as fast as they can. they couldn't have vote him out fast enough. >> a lot of his peers don't like the fact he can use campaign money for his defense. >> that's right. or that he is on suspension and gets $96,000 a year. >> yeah. all right. thanks, phil. new at 5:00, newly relayed surveillance captures a scary
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scene in san francisco. watch the upper left of your screen. two suspects approach a man, problem him autobahn point then punch him to the face knocking him to the ground. happened last tuesday. police still looking for those suspects. police in the east bay searching for a robbery suspect who held two women at gun point and then lock them in a bedroom. pleasant hill police just released this sketch of a map they say used a gun and forced his way into the home. he pushed his way inside and lock the two women in a bedroom and robbed that home. neighbors now worried about their safety. >> definitely concerned. making sure we have actually locks at the house. make sure the kids aren't opening the door at night. >> completely out of the ordinary. i have lived here 23 years. i have never heard anything like this. >> the suspect talk off in the woman's car. it's a 2013 silver sex offender
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wagon passa -- silver volkswagon passat. an oakland oversteer driving his cruiser struck a man walking downtown around lunchtime at the intersection of 7th street and broadway. that's not far from police head quarters. the man was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. the officer was not injured. police are still trying to find the passengers of a car that collided. one car then crash bad the dogwood bar and five people in the car took off. the bar was empty at the time. the driver of the second car says she was just crossing the intersection with afrin light when the vehicle hit her. the race is on to find the missing malaysian plane's black b. just one week left before the battery runs out. a high-tech tool that could help narrow that search. live at a covered california event. the deadline is just hours
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away. coming up, if you haven't started the process, it may already be too late. >> i know i have struck a cord with a lot of low paid employees who get the short end of the stick. he wrote a note calling out his boss. one man paid the price for his bold letter but still gets the last laugh. ,,,,,,,,
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was flying too slow. but its there is a reason. asiana says the auto-thrott mislead the pilots and contributed to the plane the plane that crashed last year was going too law. they say auto pilot contributed to the plane slam spag the sea wall. the they say test pilots had trouble landing under the same conditions in simulator. but boeing says everything was working fine prior to the crash. it's putting the became on the flight crew. a race against the clock to find the plaque box from the malaysia airlines plane. an australia ship that has a special low captor for the u.s.
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navy is headed for the search zone. search crews have spotted dozens of objects floating in the water but so far have come up empty handed. >> we owe it to the water world which has been trains fixed by this mystery for three weeks now. >> the u.s. navy spokesperson says it could be years before that plane is found. a toxic challenge for mud slide recovery crews in washington. they are having to deal with household chemicals, sewage and fuel oil. the official death tool stands at 21 with another four bodies found but not yet recovered. 30 people are still missing. this weekend, rescue crews cleared a path through the devastation. that should make the search easier. schools closed. major damage from this weekend's southern california shakers. how the quakes are stirring up new health concerns. he knew it would get him fired, but he did it anyway. the bold way one man told his
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boss exactly how he felt. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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california's health insuran exchange.. tonight is the deadline to up with "covered c ed up out the door procrastinators causing a new problems for california's health insurance exchange. tonight is the deadline to sign up for covered california. people line up at the door at this enroll-a-thon in
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sacramento today. kpix 5 reporter julie watts with more on this last minute rush. >> reporter: yeah. it is pretty crazy here tonight, allen. we are here for a sign up event. these folks are all helping to peat that midnight deadline. they have a lot of company. the last minute crunch for covered california as overwhelmed the online feature. people have been complaining that the site continues to crash thiefening. delay can't get ahold of anyone on the phone. as you can imagine. you probably will have problems when you have this many people trying to sign uprate once. we are live here tonight. now, dana howard, folks don't have to complete their application, but they core of engineers have to start it in order to finish by april is ard. although we are hearing people can't even get online tonight. >> yeah. we realize that. as of 3:00, we had 324,000
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unique visit tesoro our web page. 324,000 people came to our web page. it just cannot handle it. we realize that. we want to leak sure teem do get in and are not kept out of health care coverage. so those people who did experience difficulties toads, they will be able to have another opportunity to get enrolled. putin there are rules for it. they must go through a certified insurance agent or certified enrollment counselor. a plan based enroller or certified eligibility worker or someone at a call center. >> so this ising with announced earlier this evening. >> yes. >> if you haven't started an online application you have to do to somebody in person. >> yes. that's exactly it. you can try to call the services, but those lines will still continue to have probably longer hold times. the best way is to go through a certified insurance agent other enrollment counselor to get that application done and
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finished. there isn't going to be another opportunity to try to do it self service. >> right. >> those days are over. now, for the next two weeks, if you didn't get anything started today, you will have to go through one of those service channels. >> so kind of like an unofficial extension, if you will? >> well, this is taunt for those people to be able to get in. >> because of the problems on the website. >> yes. >> thank you sew much. i appreciate your time. the enrolement numbers have been pretty impressive. let's take a look at some of those enrollment numbers. so far 1.2 million have signed up. 150,000 in the last week. californians make up about one of every six obamacare enrollees nationwide. dana howard tells me they are short of the number they originally said. the question is what happens if you don't seen upped to?
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well, come track time you will face a penalty. and that penalty will like by be about 11% of your annual income. as data mentioned, if you're having trouble getting online tonight, you can still try tone roll through an enrollment counselor. >> little by of a reprieve. julie, thanks. >> someone forgot to tell mother nature it is opening day for baseball season. it was pouring this afternoon at the oakland coliseum. the ground crew did what it could to keep the baseball field from turning into a swamp. the athletics are supposed to take on cleveland tonight. as of right now, the game is still on for 7:00 p.m. >> at&t park will look like this tonight even though the giants are on the road. they will host a viewing party in a game against the diamondbacks. it will be on the big screen. free to get in. the first 5 think fans get a free hot dog. getting a good look at the damage left behind from friday's shaker in southern
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california. nearly 200 aftershocks have been reported from that. three days the quake, box still litter the floor. the elementary school is closed today because of all that damage. the concern now, though, is asbestos. >> earthquakes have a tendency to loosen things up. we did find trace elements of asbestos in the falling debris. >> crews vacuumed, cleaned, put things back in order. you can see ceiling times toppling to the floor. look at that? furniture falling over. flooding an office. a rainstorm caused chaos as it swept across southern cry that last night. check out this incredible video surveillance yes of water pouring into this hong kong mall after hail caused its glass roof to shatter. dire weather canceled and delayed hundreds of flights. street shops and subway stations. at least 23 people have died. one person is in serious
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condition. mean while gray, soggy skies in san francisco today. our transamerica camera caught the storm alls it rolled through opportunity to paul deanno is here with a look at where the rain is now. >> reporter: it is still range. between 12:00 and 2:00, it was pouring. >> pouring. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: and loud. a cold front that typically of this strength hits dallas, oklahoma city. we don't see cold fronts like this that often. 17 lighten strikes, which is a lot for us. heavy rainfall. the number one trending topic on twitter in the bay area was thunder. so many of you in it around san francisco. oakland, marin county heard that this afternoon. what's going on right now? kpix 5 high def doppler tracking the final round of widespread heavy rainfall in the south bay. redwood city,s will altos, this is headed for you. i do see a lot of rainfall heading in your direction. this is six hours of weather history. from 11:00 this morning through
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right now, look at all of that rain that moved through. we got nearly an inch in very short order. we didn't see it for the first half of the rainy season. from july first through the end of van, 16% of far mall. since then, which is february and march, 111% of normal. we certainly have turned the corner. we're not out of the draught, give time we get rain on the ray dark we get closer to where we should be. we had a cold front come. there it is not done yet. we have to deal with this big area of low pressure. that wants to sink. with any heating of the day tomorrow, that air wants to rise. you get sinking and rising in the same spot, you get convection, which means widespread showers tomorrow. when that low moves on toppous, we will have a good chance of widespread heavy rainfall again tomorrow. a good chance of another round of thunderstorms. a good chance of more small hail. problems the repeat button being pushed tomorrow very similar to what we had today.
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may not be every where all at once, but there will be more heavy showers with a chance of storms and small hail. tomorrow night, baseball. i think we get the a's game in. more rounds of rain. what is this? texas? no. it's bay aread to and torment on and off rainfall tomorrow. watch out for a risk of thunderstorms. bring kids inside for at least 30 minutes if you hear the thunder. san jose 60. only 59 for the first day. this is not an april fool's joke. it will rain again tomorrow. slight chance of a shower on friday. look at the weekend. by sunday, we're sunny with highs back into the 70s. so it will feel a lot more like spring by the weekend. tomorrow, it will be pouring in spots once again. >> soggy. >> all right. well, investor are also liked the news from fed chair january elizabeth yellen that
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interest rates won't be going up any time soon. stocks rocking to close out first quarter of 2014. a fed up gas station employee in michigan quit in a sassy note for his boss and left it for everyone to see. joe bloom waited for over an hour for his boss to arrive so he could go home, but she was a no show. loom reached his boiling point and scribbled a note that he left on the door along with a helicopter open wanted sign. the note said -- help wanted sign. the note said as you can see, the doors are locked: i wept home. fire me if you must. but realize i walked cue to your negligence. >> i lad it. i had enough of the unprofessional atmosphere. having to deal with that tardiness and have it come down on me. >> a customer stopped for gas, saw the note and, of course, posted it online. thing manage say -- manager said she slept through her
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alarm and joe never tried to contact her. joe has since been fired. >> shocking. new moms. how breast lifts are edging out implants.
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today--requiring all light vehicles to come equipped wh s. the national highway traffic safety administration proposed a new regulation today requiring all vehicles to come equipped with those rear view cameras. that would include cars, suvs and trucks. it would require a 10 by 20- foot zone of direct visible. it is a new trend for women who have just gone through childbirth. the american society of plastic surgeons say there has been a 70% increase in breast lifts in the past 14 years. for the procedure, there is use the woman's own tissue and skin to tight tennessee breast, giving it a more youthful appearance. average cost is about $11,000. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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and willing departures... but now, some former san jo cops want to come back... only on k-p-i-x 5, how one decimated by layoffs and departures. now some former san jose police officers want to come back. only on kpix 5, how one city leader wants to make that happen and at what costs. plus, the alleged coconspire sos in the leland corruption case. kpix 5 went dig. why what we found should worry every voter in california. >> that's coming up at 6:00.
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thanks for watching at 5:00. the cbs evening news is next. >> latest news and weather always on our website ight, another million cars recalled. the g.m. recall spread as congress asks why a deadly defect was left unfixed. jeff glor with the families who will testify. >> it's ridiculous that money was put over human lives. >> pelley: long lines on deadline day for obare, vincente arenas reports. >> what's it been like this morning? >> chaos. >> pelley: and we'll talk to president obama. >> we admittedly had just a terrible start. >> pelley: a decision is made on whether japan can continue whaling. seth doane reports. and john blackstone with steve scotts who would likely be dead if not for an accident of timing in the landslide. >> reporter: you would have been on that roof, you would be gone.


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